Jennifer Dinnen, LT Class of 2021 alumna, calls Leadership Tomorrow “incredible in so many ways” and considers her classmates to be “some of the most genuine and caring people that (she) has ever met.” Being an Orange County native, Jennifer loved her classmates’ desire to give back to the community and better the county. After graduation, Jennifer says that she still appreciates all of the non-profits she learned about and even came out of the LT program with a “richer appreciation for OC.”
Now, Jennifer is proud to run a second-generation family business with her twin sister, Katie Rucker, also an alumna of LT. Along with Leadership Tomorrow, running the business for around a decade has enhanced Jennifer’s appreciation for Orange County. Jennifer’s business, the MacKenzie Corporation, guides brands through the utilization of Customer Insights. As she and other Customer Insights professionals work closely with OC-based organizations, Jennifer believes it is most important to understand what is happening locally, as well as how customers are changing in the face of big issues. She feels that LT helped her tap into this knowledge, as well as provided her with connections and leaders with whom she can discuss important issues and opportunities.
As she continues to grow her company, Jennifer plans to use what she learned in LT to truly understand how OC runs, as well as identify the “incredible leaders who make it all happen” and utilize the “resources available to business owners.” In 2021, she joined the Leadership Tomorrow Board of Directors and currently serves on the Marketing Committee.